Thursday, November 17, 2016

2016 Election Advice

No matter what choices you made during the election, you are still here, breathing and living! Change does not have to come from the top to be successful. No matter if you are democrat or republican or libertarian or whatever label you want, I wish each and every single person the best. May each of you be happy, healthy and without pain.

We should all strive to live life without labels. Strive to simply live your life in the moment and to laugh as much and as often as possible. Enjoy everything you decide to do and do NOT let the beauty of the moment escape you. The world in all of its wonder is just that, WONDERFUL!

#realtorricktn #wonderfulworld

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fall Back!

I don't know about anyone else but I rarely know when it's time to change my clocks. In my case, because of the height of my huge clock in my living room, I will once again not to have to add an hour when looking at that specific clock. ;O)~