Friday, October 7, 2016

Mindful Real Estate?

Many people are probably looking at the title and wondering how much this guy smoked this morning but that is not the case at all. Over the last few years, mindfulness, meditation and active observation have all become second nature. The world and all of its wonders are just that, wonderful. Being mindful just means taking your attention from insanity to the here and now. It also means that each person makes a conscious effort to actively pay attention to what is happening right now at your current location. Sounds so simple, right?! Test yourself to see if this is something that you can do for 5 minutes. Sit quietly wherever you are and do not do anything at all, to include listening to music, waiting for your next email notification, text message or phone call or your lives to hit max again for whatever game you are playing; do nothing. All you have to do is pay attention to your breathing. You are not trying to slow your breathing down or speed it up, just pay attention to your chest as it rises and falls. While you are doing this, if thoughts come into your head, just let them pass. Do not get stuck and start stressing about anything because this is YOUR time. At the end of 5 minutes of this mindful test, how do you feel? When you are facing something stressful, take a deep breath and just pay attention to yourself.

Paying active attention, being present, listening, feeling, and living in the here and right now are all great things for going out and looking at your next potential home. Reducing and removing distractions, stresses and the insanity will help you to pay closer attention to what is right in front of you. Who is gaining anything from this? YOU are! Imagine going into a house and as you are walking through the house you receive 2 or 3 phone calls or text messages. Where are you now? If it was something important or serious, you are no longer looking at the house, you may physically be there walking around like the zombies you see who can’t take their eyes off of their cell phones. What are you doing to help yourself in attaining your goals of finding a home that meets or exceeds you and your family’s expectations? This does not mean that you have to be a hermit and neglect your phone but once you have read the message or spoken to whoever, take a few deep breaths while bringing your attention back to yourself, your goals and your task at hand.

There is no better time than right now. You cannot hope to be happy when some certain event takes place in your life or that you were happy when… What we have is right now and right in front of us. Walt Whitman said, “Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.” When going to look at houses, paying close attention to everything the house has to offer is where your mind should be. Remove all of the stresses and distractions and just pay attention to the house. You owe yourself and your family the best possible decisions based on clear thinking and attention to detail. When you want to work with a realtor who practices mindfulness and active observation in their real estate transactions, contact me or 931-551-1861.

#RealtorRickTN #clarksvilletnrealtor ‪#‎clarksvilletnrocks #VeteranRealtor #MindfulRealEstate

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